Friday, 24 May 2013

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Friday, 21 October 2011

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Thursday, 06 October 2011

Friday, 30 September 2011

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Monday, 30 May 2011

Thursday, 26 May 2011

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Where You Can Find Me

  • Calling all the old Chatterbox Club Members, email us directly so we can ensure to transfer your old membership over to this blog. Anyone who fancies themselves as a Chatterbox, at some stage in their life, is invited to email us to find out what we are all about. We are a mad bunch, but we do fun things!

    Wildcraft Farm

Kit In A Cards

  • KIAC SewingMachine s
    WHAT IS A KIT IN A CARD? The basic nuts and bolts of it is a greeting card that has a colour image on the front (of the actual sewn project), currently focusing on the "stitchery" series. Inside the card is a kit with EVERYTHING needed to complete the finished stitchery design shown on the card. Screenprinted quality fabric, plenty of DMC thread to complete the finished project, iron on pellon and a Size 8 embroidery needle. With the card, kit and envelope all packaged in a cellophane bag, this unique and original product is the perfect gift for someone special (even if its you!).

  • Bee Sew Whimsical
    Darlene is one of our original Chatterbox Club Members, I enjoy reading her 'chatty' blogs, why not check her out!
  • Honeysuckle Cottage Blog
    This lady is amazing, its all new and she offers wonderful items that you won't find at your local. A must blog to read for all that is new and wonderful.
  • Hugs n Kisses
    Helen and I have taught together, and now she is a great email and phone chat friend. She can do amazing things with coloured pencils!
  • Willow Valley Store
    I think Cath qualifies as a Chatterbox too!

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