Yesterday I made an impulse purchase. My friend Tais was closing her dressmaking store RUBY DEAN, it was her last day, so I popped in for a quick goodbye. Sitting in a basket, on her counter, were these yummies, just begging me to take them home.
Just like sweet treats, I had to know my limit, so I just purchased 3 metres of each. Although they just look too pretty the way they are, until I can come up with something to do with them, last night I rolled them onto my wooden spools. Now they can just be delicious dust collectors until I can come up with a project. This little ric rac is also great to use on scrapbooking projects.
Today I was able to finalise all the details for the the stitchery pattern I have donated to the Queensland Flood fundraising, being run by Suzanne at The Country Quilt Co - Helen Stubbings and I are both supporting her efforts.
Along with her amazing work, Suzanne has become a great comfort to local ladies who just need somewhere familiar to spend a little time, they help out making the stitchery project kits she is giving away to the refuge centres, and are able to talk with others who know exactly what they have gone through. Today they were all rocked by the death of a friend - it must be devastating.
I think it is important for those of us not "there" is realise the exceptional support people like Suzanne are so generously offering - in a time of crisis we all need some Suzanne's to help make things happen.
It was very disappointing to hear (actually disappointing is an understatement) that a large Australian company has withdrawn their original generous support, instead they are offering a "discount" on supplies for the stitchery kits given out to the refuge centres ... I suggested they be given a day to reconsider (seeing as they have been publicly acknowledged for their generosity already), before harsh words are spoken and it becomes a PR horror story for them.
I know from all the work I did 2 years ago with the bush fire projects that many will wave their arms and offer to help in the early days, then when things go quiet on the news, somehow they forget their generosity, and when you are the "face" who has promised things, it is too costly for one person to fund all the work that needs to be done. Sorry, I'm rambling, I try to see the good in everyone, but am unfortunately mindful of other types of people. I hope this company has a change of heart.
So to all those who are helping in some small way, whether with money, support, stitching, donating goods or the amazing clean up crews - you are the ones who are AMAZING, so thank you.
Wishing you "sweet" dreams, Janet x
PS - My friend Tais was totally burnt out in the Black Saturday bushfires 2 years ago, she lost her home, all her belongings and it has only been in the past month that her family are now all living under the one roof again. She has decided on a "slight" change of life and is going back to school to get her Teaching Diploma so she can teach her design/sewing/pattern drafting skills at a high school level ... she is very excited, and I wish her all the luck in the world - she deserves it!
Will go for a look at what you are all doing over at Suzanne's. I agree with what you said about that company. I hope there aren't too many empty promises with these phone in donations etc. I've just been browsing back through your blog entries. I sent you a quilt, extra blocks plus other goodies after the Victoria fires. Was there ever any pictures of quilts with the blocks in posted? Would love to see something of them.
Best wishes to your friend Tais. Sounds like a great way to start anew.
Posted by: Kerry | Thursday, 20 January 2011 at 01:50 PM
I think I need to meet Suzanne... a special soul with a generous heart! Sounds like she will be making a real difference to the daily existence of many people.
Posted by: One Day In May, Creations by Melissa Grant | Thursday, 20 January 2011 at 12:39 AM