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Sunday, 22 May 2011



Hootie would be great with the rest of the owls around here :)
I like to hold on to bits of fabric, but I'm having to use them up now before I can justify buying more!


Hootie! I collect journals. I have way too many of them but they're just all so pretty!

Sherry J.

Hootie! i love owls, but I collect spoons, pincushions, fabric, depression glass. ..... I am a colloector. thanks.

sandra parsons

Hootie is a cutie. Love owls and have collected lots-china, fabric, pottery, jewellery. :)

Kim Aguilar

Hootie! I love to collect fabric, dishes, and books...just can't get enough!

Theresa Nelson

Hootie, sweet Hootie!! I love to collect books.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)


Em Komiskey

Hootie know the secret that I collect glasses from wineries.


Hootie! My mom collects owls also, so we're always on the lookout for owl items!


Hi Janet ~ that has been a very long time
I just came accross your blog again via Snickerdoodle Dreams, seeing you lovely new creations.
So very nice to see you again and to see that you are still designing.
Sweetest Hootie with beautiful and so true saying!!!


HOOTIE - I just made it!


Hoo tie d the know in my sewing cotton. That would be my little boy hoo would love a crayon roll with an owl on the front.
Hootie would fit in well at our place where owls, giraffes and dragons are collected and kept with care.

Shana Putnam

Hootie ho neighbor. Made me think of Tim the Toolman Taylor and Wilson lol. Anyway, I collect books and fabric and pens. Weird i know lol.


hootie hoo!

i collect rocks and tiny vases and shells and plastic cameras!

thanks for the giveaway!


Hootie..you are so cute. My son will love you! He loves to draw and always have a coloring book with him everywhere he go.
[email protected]

Renee E.

Hootie! ask my daughter I love owls


Hootie is lovely! :) I would love to give this to my little guy.
My collection is random Royal "British" stuff.

[email protected]


Hootie patooty! Totally cute fabric. I'm new to sewing and I need fabric!

domestic diva

Hootie is adorable. Thanks for the chance.


Hootie ! I used to collect people bells, I also used to collect inchies. Now I have ATCs and collect all sorts of paper to make into collage. Patsy from HeARTworks

Jackie W.

Hootie too cutie: I love this little guy


Hootie the owl is a cutie! I'm not much of a collector, but I have a few cats and a few pincushions. Mostly I collect fabric :) Thanks for a chance to win.


Hootie Magootie!
I collect turtles myself, but my Aunt has been collecting owls for over 50 years!


Hootie glad to be here! Greetings from Winnipeg, Canada!


Hootie! i like to collect... get this... wisks.



Lately I've been collecting wool! I'm slowly trying to use it up knitting though!

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    Wildcraft Farm

Kit In A Cards

  • KIAC SewingMachine s
    WHAT IS A KIT IN A CARD? The basic nuts and bolts of it is a greeting card that has a colour image on the front (of the actual sewn project), currently focusing on the "stitchery" series. Inside the card is a kit with EVERYTHING needed to complete the finished stitchery design shown on the card. Screenprinted quality fabric, plenty of DMC thread to complete the finished project, iron on pellon and a Size 8 embroidery needle. With the card, kit and envelope all packaged in a cellophane bag, this unique and original product is the perfect gift for someone special (even if its you!).

  • Bee Sew Whimsical
    Darlene is one of our original Chatterbox Club Members, I enjoy reading her 'chatty' blogs, why not check her out!
  • Honeysuckle Cottage Blog
    This lady is amazing, its all new and she offers wonderful items that you won't find at your local. A must blog to read for all that is new and wonderful.
  • Hugs n Kisses
    Helen and I have taught together, and now she is a great email and phone chat friend. She can do amazing things with coloured pencils!
  • Willow Valley Store
    I think Cath qualifies as a Chatterbox too!

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