Finally Jessica has gone back to school this week. When I discovered she was "lucky" to get 3 weeks off this term break I was originally horrified - WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO???
But we did quite a lot, ad now she is older it is easier for her to entertain herself, actually my baby turns 12 next week :(
Some of our highlights were ...
Going to see the third Twilight movie, Eclipse (on the opening day, on the BIG screen)
Also saw Toy Story 3 (I cried, lots!)
Ceramic painting with friends at Robert Gordon Pottery (my masterpiece will be photographed to show you soon)
Jessica and my sister took off for a day in the city to see the Tim Burton Museum (the guy who directed Alice In Wonderland etc)
Lots and lots of drawing and painting, she is getting a real talent and perfecting her own unique style.
Lots of cup cake making and decorating cakes (our new mother/daughter passion)
She makes these amazing pop out photo books, did another one on Taylor Swift, and my Mum and sister Tara both got their own masterpieces for their birthdays
Jessica and Farmer Rowe took off for 3 days to Mt Buller to get in practice for our upcoming ski holiday. It was hard for me not to be there to help her out (Mummy parenting is quite different to Daddy parenting), so I sent them off with all their food prepared as much as I can (Farmer Rowe was given instructions that food does not magically appear on the table when you are fending for yourselves, he would need to plan before he got hungry that he needed to feed the 2 of them!). Because the ski break was mainly for Jessica's confidence, the 2 skied together the whole time (or so I think Jessica was sworn to tell me!), apparently she has come along way from her first real try at it last year, and next week there will be some long stick things amongst her birthday presents.
I think this posed shot is before the cartwheeling down the Holden Run ...
And here is an action shot (not the cartwheel variety!)
There was lots of reading - she had been banned from reading the Twilight Series last term at school (because re-reading the same books wasn't really what her teacher and I wanted for the entire year!) so in preparation for seeing the new Eclipse movie she was granted her wish to read them again over the holidays.
There was lots of horse riding - her horse Bubs had an absess so couldn't be ridden, so for the first time she got on her other horse (the one Farmer Rowe usually rides), Delta is a Mountain Forest Pony (14.2H) and at the ripe old age of 21 (remember horse birthdays are on 1 September) she is a champion at barrel and gate racing, so Jessica and Delta were cantering around our very muddy paddocks having a ball. Poor Bubs just looked on, with the occasional "whinny" so I gave her some extra hay to keep her from watching and getting too sad.
There were lots more activities, my mind is a blur, but we did finish off with a repeat visit to see Eclipse again as I had free tickets to use up .... I think that's enough now until the DVD comes out!
When I had some time to myself I was busily planning all the little extra treats I have planned for my visit to Queensland in September.
In the past when I have been teaching I have been caught a little off guard when a lovely lady approaches me and starts talking about things I chatter on about on the blog, turns out she will be a blogland friend I didn't know was attending. So this time I will be prepared, if anyone is planning to attend the full weekend, or one of the full days of fun with The Country Quilt Co, go here for more details ...
I will have a special treat for my blogland friends, so make sure you come up and introduce yourself, don't be shy.
I have loads and loads of stitching to do, but after heaps and heaps of drawing over the holidays it is a relief to finally have exactly what I want. I'm also pleased as punch that Jessica helped out with another new design, the whole story and a picture will be posted in a few days.
Well I need to hurry and get myself ready for some Wii time with BF Keri - we did it last year, but the last time I didn't put my runners on and I tore some ligaments in my foot .... not doing that again!
We have also taken up Zumba Classes - now before you fall off your chair laughing I need to explain .... we look nothing like the people you see on the ads for the DVDs, in fact I can't actually see any of them doing a specific dance. Keri, her daughter Aimee and I go twice a week and spend most of our time laughing, we are getting better at it (well we can sort of get our feet in the right spot most of the time), but somehow the hips, arms, legs and feet don't all want to work in harmony together - but a full hour of dancing around is so much fun and gives me a real boost to my day when I do a morning class. I can guaratee you will NEVER see a photo on this blog of us, but I may share some funny stories. Thanks to the Zumba classes, along with a new eating regime, I am down 4.5 kilos in 3 weeks. I'm really pleased with myself, quite a lot more to loose, but I've decided to give myself 5 kilo goals and rewards to keep me motivated.
Okay off to have a Wii time ... take care, talk to you soon,
Janet xxx
PS - A few of my blog friends from overseas have asked to see a copy of the front cover of my Wrapped In Chocolate Workbook so they can track it down, here it is, along with a pic of 2 of the extra projects inside.
Sorry this pic a bit dark, I'll look out another one ...
PPS - Must remind myself to fill you in on my new creative outlet ... Monday nights are now soooooo (sewwwwww) much fun!
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